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The result of the top referrer promotions / Next beneficiaries will be top reviewers of iAUDIO
Dear valued customers,

Thank you very much for your active participations on the top referrer promotion. A lot of people have joined our community. We appreciate that.

The result of the top referrer promotions (August 25, 2003 1:00 PM ~ September 22, 2003 1:00 PM by Pacific time)

  1. darkm: CW200 128MB ($139)
  2. Neto: jetAudio 5 Plus ($29)


Our promotion will go on continuously. Next beneficiaries will be top reviewers of iAUDIO. The rules to be followed are as below.

  1. Begin with reviewing your iAUDIO.
  2. Post your reviews in the category of iAUDIO. -> You have to post the reviews on our "User Reviews" forum as well in order for us to evaluate yours.
  3. The title should be "[review] user id" (for example, [review] Schawarzeneger). This form is ONLY for our forum so that we can recognize your reviews.
  4. The corresponding links of websites posted should be mentioned on the postings. There's no limit on how many websites you can post the reviews. The more the better!
  5. The way how to evaluate

    A. Contents score (perfect score: 100)
    i. We allegedly insist that we don't care about the numbers of stars.
    ii. The clear cons and pros will help you get high scores. They will help our next model of iAUDIO.
    B. Website score (perfect score: 100)
    i. The higher Alexa ranking the website has the better scores you get. (for example, Amazon(14), CNet(191), ZDNet(595))
    ii. The more websites you post the reviews on, the better scores you get.
    iii. The scores will be relative.
    C. The final score will be the average of contents score and website score.

  6. No restrictions apply for states or countries.
  7. You do not have to be a purchaser of iAUDIO or jetAudio. However, you need to be our registered member.
  8. Evaluation period: September 23, 2003 1:00 PM ~ October 23, 2003 1:00 PM by Pacific time.
  9. Prizes:
    A. the top reviewer - iAUDIO CW300 128MB($149)
    B. the second best reviewer - iAUDIO CW200 128MB($139)
    C. the third best reviewer - jetAudio 5 Plus($29)
(Sep 24. 2003)

